Showing posts with label send Austin to California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label send Austin to California. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

In Search of Texas

There's a lot of noise in the media these days about Texas. Is it some kind of neo-fascist Platonic Ideal, instantiated, Aristotle-style, in a landmass that's as big or bigger than a lot of lesser countries?

Or is it a place where the frontier, with its God, guns, church and country life, looms large? A place where people don't look too kindly at latte swilling coastal elites telling them to get with the program and ride the rainbowWhatever the case, I took my dog for a walk after Morning Prayer and went in search of Texas. 

Hey, Look at This.

The Nepalese woman at the pick 'n steal accepted my money for a coffee, while a crew of Park Department workers played scratch card lottery. Some were black, some were white, some were Latino. They were having fun, loudly, at losing the lottery and the coffee tasted pretty good. Have to hand it to the Nepalese, they make damn good fighting knives and excellent coffee. Was that Texas?


On the way home, I passed 4 churches in the space of 4 blocks. Blue Destroyer used the entrance of one as a "convenience," he's a cow dog. Maybe that's Texas? Then I found a snake skin on the side of the road.

Satisfied with finally finding Texas, I went back to the Compound.

That is all.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Texas is Great, but What About Austin?

Texas is alright. It's a God, Guns and Country Life kind of place, where you can still burn coal and wood in your fireplace and have a healthy distrust of big government and corrupt Washington croneyism. No wonder business is booming and people are heading south from all over America to live in Texas. Then there's Austin. Southern home of the hope and change Hive Mind. 

Here's what someone had to say:

"If you’ve never been to Austin, there’s a fair chance you’ve still heard about how strange a place it is. It’s true. There are lots of hippies, even more hipsters, people wearing clothes you wouldn’t put on your pet iguana, and people not wearing any clothes at all."

Get a Job, Thieves

And maybe you think that's all innocent and harmless? Think again, while they thieve your wallet and trash your backyard.

Hippies Trashing a Park in Austin

Don't get me wrong; some good people live in Austin. And that's why we're riding south, to liberate that city.

God bless,