Showing posts with label commies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label commies. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Kenosha Kid


You can read about the show trial goonshow here, on Zero, but what did the kid do? He shot a couple of serial bolshevik criminals in self-defense. He killed several and blew the bicep off another. 

The prosecution, which weirdly withheld evidence, says that bringing a gun to a threatening situation is, effectively, an incitement to violence. Uh Huh.

What? Having the means to defend yourself illegitimizes your self-defense? That doesn't make any sense, but none of this does. We've got a show trial running, and I hope the young man who put himself in the way of far greater forces than himself doesn't get crushed by them.

If he doesn't? Sue these race baiting profiteers for every inch of their not insubstantial, millionaire socialist bank accounts. And on. Remember Commies, and your corporate pol sponsors, there's a lotta Kyles. A lot.

Peace and Love,


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Once More Over The Rainbow


The savage woman beating, enslaving, Biden trolling Taliban were two months off from taking Afghanistan in what has to be the most humiliating, catastrophic, blunderous, incompetent American defeat since Vietnam, and our guys were pumping out this, in June. Here it is, from Understanding Men and Masculinities: Towards Creating Egalitarian Gender Relations in Afghan Society:

This paper examines how Afghan men from diverse socio-economic, ethno-linguistic and age groups challenge and redefine masculinities in the face of socio-political and economic changes. Understanding diverse and shifting masculinities and the men who practice more equitable gender relations by departing from hegemonic masculinity can help to inform more effective gender-based initiatives. The paper demonstrates the ways in which masculinities are constructed, deconstructed, and change over time and space in different ways for different men.

What were they thinking? Not much, as in no kidding. The author, Munazza Ebtikar, is or was a doctoral candidate at St. John's, Oxford. What a beautiful college, and who knows, perhaps she made it out before Afghan men decided to get all hegemonic on her compound. Let's hope Ektibar hasn't been reconstructed. You can write her here, to find out:

Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU) Shahr-i-Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan, Post Box number: 38–015

Have you noticed how everything the ProgLeft proposes or enacts produces the exact opposite of its intended result? It's like an axiom. In the meanwhile, here's the Commander-in-Chief of the, ahem, Free World:

Some kind of joke? No, this one's deadly serious.



Monday, June 28, 2021

You Miserable Offender


Look at this miserable offender. Yes, a burned out front indicator bulb, Sylvania #3157A, which gave up the ghost on the way to Made-in-China-Mart, right as the heavens released a relentless barrage of rain.

Park up, test the turning signal, listen to its ADHT fast click, watch the rain pound down, look up the part on your handheld computing device, and then wade through the flood to the store. Find a replacement bulb, look at empty ammo shelves - who knows, maybe they'll magically fill up if you stare hard enough - and head over to groceries for supplies. After all, a man's gotta eat.

That in mind, it's a very good thing that "man does not live by bread alone" because the price of food's skyrocketed, especially steak. It's around 30% more expensive than it was a year ago; just imagine the price if there was any inflation. Well done, prog-left, corp-sponsored oligarchy, everything's more affordable now because it's way more expensive. Awesome work, Socialists.

Back at the Compound, the downpour slowed to a gentle rain and then stopped, so I took advantage of the lull to swap out the busted bulb. It's not hard on an '08 F150. Pop the hood, reach behind the headlight housing, turn the bulb fixture counterclockwise, pull it out, replace the bulb and return the thing to its rightful place. If the recalcitrant anarchist mutinies, pull the headlight unit and teach the beast who's boss, which I ended up doing, annoyingly.

One working front turn signal light later, it seems only right to celebrate this small but important victory with hamburgers. Steak would be better, but that's too pricey. Thanks a lot, commies.



Thursday, December 10, 2020

Lights Out - Minnesota

Imagine the scene. There you are, living in the suburbs of middle America in December 2020; it’s cold outside and you think back on the year that’s been. Who’d have thought it? 

A potentially deadly virus, lockdowns, riots, looting, a contested election, job uncertainty and on. What a dark landscape, so you decide to lift everyone’s spirits by putting up Christmas lights on the house. 

Well done. “Merry Christmas!” you say cheerfully to yourself while decorating a festive tree; things are starting to look up at last, about time. Then boom, the Postperson arrives with a letter blasting your Christmas lights for intolerance, division, and “systemic biases.”

Wow, systemic bias, that's pretty bad. So hurry up, you suburban criminal, and report yourself for wrongthink. That's obviously before you work through struggle sessions in the nearest Maoist Minnesotan reeducation center. 

Satire? If only. Four Minnesota households in a suburb of Minneapolis, St. Anthony, received an anonymous Advent letter this year, excoriating them for decorating their houses for the holiday season. Here it is:


I couldn’t help but notice your Christmas lights display. During these unprecedented times we have all experienced challenges which casual words just don’t describe what we’re feeling. The idea of twinkling, colorful lights are a reminder of divisions that continue to run through our society, a reminder of systemic biases against our neighbors who don’t celebrate Christmas or who can’t afford to put up lights of their own.

We must do the work of educating ourselves about the harmful impact an outward-facing display like yours can have. I challenge you to respect the dignity of all people while striving to learn from differences, ideas, and opinions of our neighbors. We must come together collectively and challenge these institutional inequities; St. Anthony is a community of welcoming of all people (sic) and we must demand better for ourselves.


Demand better? Yes indeed. Let's start with calling an end to leftist gibberish and tyranny masquerading as tolerance and "welcome." A false welcome to everyone except those who disagree with you. This isn't about toleration, it's about forcing your will on other people, in this instance on those who choose to display the outward signs of Christmas, of celebrating Christ's birth, on their houses.

How dare you, Nazi! As if for a second that a garish if cheerful twinkling light was anything other than a sign of good cheer. But of course our latter-day puritans hate the sign because they hate its significance. 

It proclaims, consciously or not, that God became a man and lay, as a child, under a star in Bethlehem. And with that birth salvation came into the world. 

This is abhorrent to the enemies of Christmas and, if they can, they'll ban the feast of the Incarnation from the public square, like their spiritual ancestors, the Bolsheviks of 1917 or the Puritans of the seventeenth century. But you know what?

The gates of Hell shall not prevail against the angelic host, which cries out, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, glory to God in the highest at the birth of the Christ Child. Nothing, much less mean-spirited, narcissist, Midwestern killjoys and their rich Ivy Satanic League (sorry,  add Berkley) friends can stop that.

Here endeth the Lesson,


Monday, October 12, 2020

Happy Columbus Day

Some people don't like the remarkable navigator and explorer Christopher Columbus. They hate him and his discovery of America, and they hate the country his exploration made possible. Such evil, colonialist, racist oppression, said no one when US forces liberated Dachau.

1945 aside, the Compound's neighbors, Eduardo, Maria and friends seem to have forgotten Columbus Day is an evil homage to racism. That's why they've been partying for two days solid, and I'm not complaining. Music fills the air along with the delicious aroma of constant BBQ, doubtless cooked up in some kind of underground kiln in their backyard version of the homestead south of the border. Nice.

Columbus' Tomb

Speaking of the evil of this incredibly evil day, I like this, from the White House:

Sadly, in recent years, radical activists have sought to undermine Christopher Columbus’s legacy.  These extremists seek to replace discussion of his vast contributions with talk of failings, his discoveries with atrocities, and his achievements with transgressions.  Rather than learn from our history, this radical ideology and its adherents seek to revise it, deprive it of any splendor, and mark it as inherently sinister.  They seek to squash any dissent from their orthodoxy.  We must not give in to these tactics or consent to such a bleak view of our history.  We must teach future generations about our storied heritage, starting with the protection of monuments to our intrepid heroes like Columbus.  This June, I signed an Executive Order to ensure that any person or group destroying or vandalizing a Federal monument, memorial, or statue is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Good work, speechwriters, and thanks Mr. President for standing up for the country you lead. Seriously, it's about time we stopped apologizing, pandering and kowtowing to the people who would tear us down. There's a lot to celebrate about the West, not least its current standard bearer, America.

Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.

I love that,


Friday, October 9, 2020

All Hail The Empire


Behold the glory of Lord Curzon and the Raj. Of course people, especially the English, say the Empire was a terrible, heinous thing, because medicine, roads, no slavery, schools, law and all the rest was wicked and racist, unlike suttee and thugee.

And you know what those things mean. Chucking living widows on funeral pyres and strangling people, to the tune of 20,000 a year to the goddess Kali. Wicked? Yes. Racist? Hardly, it was homegrown, but don't talk about the equitable caste system.

Regardless, if you go to Trafalgar Square, even now, you'll be struck by the triumph of the thing, an exuberance of Union Jacks. I love that and I suspect a lot of English people do too, even as they're scorned by the dead hand of Blairite globalist leftism.

So, fire Cressida Dick, Sadiq Khan and all the other comsymp lefties who've taken over the sceptered isle with a view to destroying it.

Your call, Great Britain. Rise to it, please.

Emp. Ind.


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Listen Up

Imagine you were a church or denomination which says it believed in the divinely ordered givenness of human sexuality, male and female he created them.

Likewise, you hold marriage as something which takes place between a man and woman. More than this, you think babies shouldn't be killed in the womb, not least at the point of birth, and that Jesus is God, the Christ, and his commandments, his Word should be obeyed.

I know, it may be hard, but try to imagine it. Then picture a group of people violently, enthusiastically in favor of abortion. People who believe gender's a construct, gay marriage a right and Christ, at best, one guru amongst many. And in his Western expression, a racist oppressor.

That in mind, you'd expect the churches concerned to stand together and denounce a movement which is antithetical to their belief, Christianity, and to do so clearly, unanimously and loudly. But no.

The Roman Catholic church? Silent or busy making deals with Communist China. The Anglican Church in North America? All about investigating "systemic racism." The venerable Church of England? Very upset about racism and statues. Baptists? Crickets.

Granted, there's notable exceptions, like Cardinal Vigano and priests like Fr. Altman and Fr. Goring in Canada. But this is rare and in ACNA, the Anglican Church in North America, the silence is deafening or even complicit.

Churches, listen up. Cowardice in the face of the enemy won't win you any favors. Stand and be counted while you still have that option in the public square. 

The fight is on, and don't kid yourselves that people who hate, scorn and despise you aren't coming to shut you down.

Your Old Pal,


PS. Whether the Jesuits should be suppressed, again, is an entirely valid question.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Sermon - Christ Walks on Water

Christ walks across the water of the lake to the disciples' boat, which is being beaten by the waves. After rescuing Peter, who goes out to meet him and sinks, Jesus enters the boat, stills the storm and guides the ship to shore.

The imagery is powerful. Jesus, appearing in the midst of the turbulent water in the darkness of the 4th Watch. So too is the symbol. The ship of the church, the ark of salvation, is beaten by waves of disbelief, iniquity, and hate only to rescued by Christ.

This is true in every age, not least our own, but consider. As in the miracle, Christ saves his church. For example, he raises up El Cid and Charles Martel, and the False Prophet is driven from Spain and France. The Jihad is routed by Sobieski in 1683 and Vienna saved, the evil, satanic Nazis are utterly defeated and the Iron Curtain blown away like so much noxious smoke.

Point being, as surely as he came to the beleaguered disciples in the midst of the lake, Christ saves his Mystical Body from the tempest which rages against her. He will save the church in our age too if we remain faithful, even desperately so, and cry out with Peter, "Lord, save me!" That must be our prayer.

There, in the act of faith, shouting out in the darkness, against all the odds, lies the path to paradise. Christ catches Peter by the hand, restores him to the safety of the boat, and in the end, to Paradise itself, the far shore of the lake.

So take heart. Our lord and Savior is infinitely more powerful than the iniquity which rages against his Body the church and against us, his faithful.

Sermon over,


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Yuri Brezhnev Warns - Take Note

The Iron Curtain's fallen, thank God, but Bolshevik Marxism's alive and well in the countries the Axis of Evil failed to defeat. But what am I saying? They won, ideologically, capturing our media, schools, the Corporates, ironically, and everything else in between. Not least the DNC

Think a family's a good thing to have? Racist. Get to work on time? Oppressor. Police? Fascist. National borders? NAZI.

Whatever, listen to Yuri, it's only 13 mins and on the money. Hand it to the Bosheviks, they ran a good psyop. Let's put that straight.

McCarthy was right,


Monday, July 27, 2020

Read This You Heathen


Do you remember Berdyaev, the Russian philosopher who was influential between the wars? If not, perhaps you should. Here's an excerpt from The Religion of Communism:

The proletariat is the only class that is innocent of the original sin of exploitation. It is the class that produces all the material treasures and goods on which human society lives. It is exploited and crushed: the most disinherited class, deprived of the means of production, living in servile dependence on Capital. But in it there grows up a force, a collective power, that will be revealed when capitalist society has crashed to its doom. The proletariat is a messianic class; its vocation is to be the liberator of all mankind, it is even identified with true humanity, it is already not merely a class, for it is outgrowing the society which includes it as a class. Truth is being revealed to it and it is already introducing justice in virtue of its social position. The messianic concept of the proletariat includes the freeing of the oppressed, that is, the achievement of social justice, and the attainment of might and power by a socially organised humanity. With the proletariat's victory social rationalism will utterly triumph and master the irrational forces of the world. Its victory will bring with it the final rationalisation of life, a final regulation and ordering; everything irrational, obscure and mysterious will be banished from life. The anarchy which Marx perceived in capitalist society will come to an end. The proletariat is clothed in all the virtues.
Now, it is perfectly clear that Marx's "proletariat" is not the empirical working class which we observe in actual life.

Now, it is perfectly clear that Marx's "proletariat" is not the empirical working class which we observe in actual life. Ain't that the truth, and you'll note how today's Left scorns and derides working people in favor of racial and sexual identity politics.

Democrats, for example, no longer platform on workers' wages and employment but on transgender bathrooms, open borders and protected status for ethnic groups. Black, Muslim? Above the law. White, Christian? Not so much.

Given the failure of the working class to supply necessary revolutionary fervor, other classes had to be picked. And so, Cultural Marxism, which we're seeing in full Maoist tilt across several Democrat run cities in America.

But these classes too, such as transsexuals and ghetto thugs, prove just as illusory and unreliable as the original proletariat. No, you're not oppressed because you can't use the womans' bathroom, because you're a man, you shameless mountebank, whatever your chemical surgery. And no, you're not a martyr for resisting arrest after passing fake twenties and being ripped on fentanyl, meth and all the rest.

That's not colonialist, imperialist oppression, it's weird, and the country sees this. By the same token, people get that "defund the police" isn't going to make their lives safer. Unless you're a Democrat in Minneapolis who's just seen their city burn.

Remember, everything the Left effects produces the opposite of its intended result.



Monday, July 6, 2020

The Ghost Of Robert E. Lee

What country would erect statues to defeated generals? There's a civil war genius to it, and we're losing that to some weird zero-sum, anarcho-marxist power play. 

Remember, commies, zero-sum works both ways. And get this, we know how to shoot unlike, say, Wakanda.

Lion King,


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

You Racist!

Marxists are howling for the removal of images of the Archangel Michael, which show him defeating a dark-skinned demon and holding the evil spirit underfoot, sword aloft. Racist, militaristic and colonialist oppressive.

But really, you're going after the Angelic Power, you're attacking that? You should think twice about it, why are you even messing with this, you fools? Angels implacably execute the divine will, and we fall to the wrong side of the sword to utter ruin.

Of course the Maoist vandals doing this don't believe in angelic being or spirit itself, they're Marxist materialists. But just because you blind your eyes to a thing doesn't mean it's not there. Take note, a terrible judgement awaits. 

And guess what, commies, it's all a larf till you wake up and a demon's gnawing on your inner thigh.

Defende Nos,


Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sermon Time

It went well at the Missions this morning, in a country church kind of way. We heard Christ in the Gospel tell the world that he came to bring a sword instead of peace. And so he does, the world is confronted by Jesus, divine reality who claims to be the way, the truth and the life. To which side of this do you fall?

An aggressive, vocal minority in this country rejects it all out of hand. They hate Christ, Christianity and the culture of the Faith, the culture of the West. That's why they're intent on destroying its monuments and symbols.

Make no mistake, this is a prelude to destroying the Church herself. The same creed, Marxism, with its utter hatred of Christianity isn't content with destroying statues of Columbus, Washington and Lincoln. No, it wants to overthrow, root up and destroy the foundation itself. That'd be Christianity.

Go on, let's see you.

I tell you this. The moment one of those Red fools gets on the porch is the moment they'll wish they hadn't.



Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Up She Rises

Just look at all those Commies! But seriously, imagine, for a moment, what things will look like here when the wheels go off.

Your Pal,


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May Day!

Well, well, it's May Day, yet again. The Puritans frowned on May Day, go figure, thinking the festivity a a blasphemous, pagan excuse for wanton immorality. And, like red moleskin trousers or the Church of England, it wasn't in the Bible. So they stamped it out along with Christmas and Easter, killjoys.

A Hippy

Still, in fairness to the Puritan sensibility, May Day was doubtless full of unreconstructed, late medieval bawdiness and it never made it back onto the calendar of popular feasts after the overthrow of the wicked regicides. That is until now.

Cheap Red Wine

Hippies have taken over May Day, along with their revolutionary geeknerd cousins, the Communists, and typically don't miss an opportunity to make a nuisance of themselves in otherwise peaceful civic centers. 

A Couple of Commies

The May Day commies throw dialectical materialist duodecimal dice for their NWO rulers and the hippies get loaded on cheap red wine and thieve, it's what they do.

A Typical Bluegill

Here at the Compound things were different. I drove to Clifton to administer Last Rites and followed that up by catching a catfish and a bluegill. 

Aggressive Little Monster

The cat fought hard and at first I thought I'd caught a snag, but no, it was a fierce, aggressive fish. He lived to fight again another day.

Never trust a hippy,


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hippies Are Traitors And Thieves

A famous clergyman once said, "When I was in seminary, there were a lot of people there who were simply evading the draft, so they didn't have to fight in the Vietnam war." I replied, "Traitors." And that's the way it is with hippies.

You see them hanging out in a park, maybe strumming a  guitar or eating some yummy fried tofu, and you think, "Hunh, look at that freakish looking deadbeat." Unpleasant, but so what, harmless. I mean to say, what's the worst they can do, hassle you to buy some beads? Yeah. Think again.

The same crew of goof-off clowns that wouldn't fight the commies who ruthlessly killed millions of people, eclipsing the abhorrent Nazis, are now living high on the hog of local and state government. They were traitors to western civilization then, back in the daze, and they're traitors still.

And oh, lest we forget. Remember that hippy who ripped off your stuff? Well, they're still at it, only this time they've ripped off entire states, like California, or Austin. And a couple of them want to steal the entire country.

Don't be fooled when they come at you panhandling, putting out sob stories about how unfortunate they are. All they're after is your cash and they'll take it by force if you let them, all in the name of their compassionate trans workers utopia.

The Choom Gang

Still, with all of the above in mind, and it's a lot, I still hope Bernie Sanders beats the sachs out of Hillary.

Never trust a hippy,


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

It's Hard, Country Hard

Life may be easy if you're a hedge fund manager, lobbyist, or one of our privileged, deracinated, bi-coastal ruling elite. Everything's laid on; there it is, just watch the cash roll in off the gravy train. But that's not the way it is in the country, you have to get out there and make it happen. My philisophical pal, GWB, reminded me of this, sometime after Morning Prayer.

"Look, LSP, you can sit around all day in slack-jawed dismay at the Deep State of this country, or you can do something about it. Like fish." I took that to heart.

Reeled In.

Thirty minutes later I was on the water somewhere in Texas, making it happen, with worms, plastic and real, and a variety of spinners. The fish scorned that like the American public in the face of yet another Hillary lie. Contemptuous indifference was their hallmark and like I said, it's not easy in the country. Do you give up? No, you don't, you keep going at it.


With strawberry dough bait. And guess what? The fish thought it was the best thing. A Catfish went for the delicious red strawberry morsels like a commie on a five year plan. Then a Bass tore into it, fighting and leaping all the way to the bank. 


Not the privately owned, create your money at interest for profit Federal Reserve Bank, no the bank of the lake. And it wasn't over, another cat hit the delicious strawberry bait and ended up at the shore. It was a mutated kind of yellow, which was interesting, if off-putting. 

Strawberry Dough Bait. Who Knew?

New rods vindicated, I drove through the waterlogged fields, praying that my 2x2 rig didn't get stuck in the mud. It's hard enough in the country without having to tow a fisherman out of the clay... But no worries, the truck made it to higher ground and out the gate, which I closed.

Fish On,