Showing posts with label Soros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soros. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Worm Ouroboros



Do you remember the annoying saying, "What comes around  goes around"? And another is like unto it, "As ye reap so shall ye sow." Maybe Hi-Stepping Soros-backed New Orleans DA, Jason Williams, is thinking just that after being carjacked with his 78 year old mother last month.

According to Gateway Pundit: 

Williams was helping his mother into her car when armed masked men held them up at gunpoint and took off with the elderly woman’s belongings.

Williams said in an interview that having a gun pointed directly at him was “horrific” and it made him think of crime victims. 


Right, well done, you paid-off, POC, diversity hire, corrupt puppeteer, masquerading as a civil servant, who dismissed 66% of all violent felony crimes in your district. Good looking out, now your egregious malfeasance is coming home to roost as your aged mother gets ripped-off at gunpoint and you're horrified. Go figure. Oh, woe is you, all the way to the nearest bank account.

Dear readers, I won't bang on, but yet again we see an axiom in force. Viz. Everything the Left enacts produces the exact opposite of its intended result.



Thursday, May 14, 2020

What Next - UFO Invasion?

The NWO, transnational, ultra rich elite, their puppet political satraps and the entrenched bureaucracy of the Deep State, to say nothing of their agitprop media hate and fear Trump. They hate him so much that they launched a Coup, an Impeachment, and a Plague against Orange Man Bad. 

But nothing's worked. 45 wasn't and isn't a Russian spy, I know, try not to laugh, and he isn't a Ukrainian crime lord like, say, one of the Bidens. Even a nation-destroying Chinese Plague can't seem to stop him, despite the best efforts of WHO, Democrat Governors, bizarro doctors and that great globalist engine, the Chinese Communist Party itself, with all its slave labor.

So what next? Aliens, of course. Maybe they'll put an end to the one who dared to try and make America great again. On topic, you'll note the commander of the 21st Space Wing, Col. Thomas Falzarano, was found dead Tuesday at his home on Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. May he rest in peace.

Stay tuned and on your guard.

Ad Astra,


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Civil War

Everyone's asking the question, are we heading for civil war? And you can see why, the country's aggressively polarized, partly thanks to the descendants of the 19th century radicals, today's cultural Marxists who press hard to destroy the societal values of the West.

"We will make the West so corrupt it stinks," declaimed Munzenberg, and the long march through the institutions has done just that. Religion, family, once-given codes of right and wrong, ethics, have been eroded and attacked to the point at which we now think that a mother killing her child in the womb is somehow normal, or that a chemically altered man is a woman.

Past generations would have been appalled and were. They overthrew the 1919 Marxist rebellion in Hungary, not least because Catholics objected to Lukacs' radical sex-ed. Likewise Spain, which didn't want to be ruled by a murderous crew of god-hating Anarcho-Marxists. 

Russia herself, epicenter of the revolution, finally had enough and kicked their red rulers out of power, now they're building 1000 and more churches a year. Action led to reaction, which brings us to now.

People are starting to wake up and say no; trans bathroom privileges, catering to 0.6% of the population at best, aren't the "greatest civil rights issue of our time," thank you, Biden. 

And neither are hundreds of thousands of immigrants somehow helpful to the American working class. Abortion at the point of birth isn't healthcare, more like murdercare, and people get it.

This leads to fightback. On the one hand, revolutionary nihilists working to destroy a culture they despise and hate, and on the other, people who believe in the values and ethics of Western civilization. Like, mothers, don't kill your babies.

So conflict's inevitable and we're seeing it now, but civil war? A shooting war between right and left, between trads and revolutionaries? 

The rhetoric's there, for sure, so are diametrically opposed ideologies and all the fervor therein. But actual fighting? Good question and who'd do it, Antifa v. Proud Boys? Hardly. A grass roots leftist ghetto rebellion? Try not to laugh. But what about this.

USGOV runs out of money because it's TRILLIONS of dollars in debt and then, lo and behold, it can't pay the Army. What happens then. 

See 5th Century Rome.

Your Buddy,


Saturday, October 6, 2018


They raged, they foamed, they gushed, they gnashed, they were paid from Soros' immensely deep gilt edged pockets. And still they lost. Now they're wailing and gnashing their pointed teeth.

Right there on the steps of the Capitol which, notoriously, they don't control anymore. Sorry, Libs, you lost and lost hard. And keep it up, your despicable skulduggery, to say nothing of malfeasance, awakened the MAGA base.

So watch out for that fabled blue wave in the midterms. Whatever, Kavanaugh did well and went through hell to do it. Good work.

More liberal tears, please.



Friday, October 5, 2018

Revolutionary Rage

You may not recall but Hungary had a short-lived Communist revolution, towards the end of the first World War. George Lukacs served as People's Commissar for Education and Culture in the regime and did his best to deconstruct Christian ethics through radical sex-education in schools.

The sensible Hungarians saw through the Marxist attempt to remake human nature and society in the image of antichrist and threw the commies out, bye bye, Bela Kun. 

A Lunatic Leftist Possessed by Satan

But of course their spirit lived on and we can see it today, foaming, raging, gnashing, frothing, posturing, grandstanding, teething at the prospect of losing the judiciary of the United States.


Hungary had the good sense to boot the hateful Lukacs into Germany, where he peddled his brand of cultural nihilism in Frankfurt and from there into America and beyond. Fast forward to today.

NWO Iluminati Evil Puppet Master Soros

George Soros, billionaire socialist heir to Lukacs, has been thrown out of his country, his organizations aren't allowed in Hungary anymore. So he's set up in Berlin; it's almost as though history's repeating itself, in a future proves past kind of way.

Iron Duke

With that in mind, they came on in the same old way and we beat them back, in the same old way. Thanks, Iron Duke, for the inspiration.

Train hard, think positive, fight easy,


Friday, June 22, 2018


Do you feel concussed, worn out, weary, fatigued, irascible, ready to snap at any moment? Yes? That's because you're suffering from the debilitating effects of Traumatic Fauxtrage Stress Disorder (TFSD), or "Faux Shock."

TFSD's brought on by relentless barrages of fauxtrage, shrieking cacophanies of faked-up, hysterical moral indignation, pouring down on you like a Stalin Organ in full flood. And it's constant.

A Typical Stalin Pants Organ

Do you remember the faux civil rights movement, Black Lives Matter, and their phony hysteria when thugs got shot by the cops? And the Statues! Cue another salvo from the faux Katyusha. It's all forgotten now but such is the nature of fauxtrage, it's vicious but short lived.

A Typical Katyusha

Then there was the great feminist Grab 'Em Fauxtrage of 2016, quite the barrage, only to be replaced by the foaming-at-the-mouth, Cold War frenzy of Russia hacked the election. Thanks a lot, Putin, for destroying our democracy and putting your spy in the Whitehouse.

Stormy The Prostitute

But that got boring because there wasn't, like, you know, any proof. So the rolling thunder of hysteria moved on to Stormy The Prostitute. Outrage. Sorry, fauxtrage, and it too fizzled like a malfunctioning Soviet rocket. Hunh, fail, back to the drawing board and don't mention Bill Clinton.

Now it's The Children. Trump is a racist, unchristian, child hating, Nazi monster for enacting inhuman, fascist immigration laws. Rockets fire! But, dammit, the laws were put in place by other presidents, and while we're at it, since when did the Planned Parenthood left ever care about children?

A Millionaire Socialist

As in MillSoc (Millionaire Socialist) Peter Fonda, who told social media and the world that 12 year Barron Trump should be "put in a cage with pedophiles." And we won't talk about the millions sacrificed by MillSoc Cecile Richards to demonic Moloch.

So stay tuned, as this latest blast of hysterical anger fizzles away to nothing and's replaced by another frenzied salvo of leftist fauxtrage. But while we're waiting for the faux shock and awe of the next assault, consider this.


The presenting causes of fauxtrage are transparently fake but the anger isn't. The dustbin of history BLM, Statues, Grab 'Em, Russian Collusion, Stormy The Prostitute, Children, all these and more are simply signs or channels.


I'd argue bogus ones at that, but nonetheless emblems of a real inner and spiritual anger. Of an incohate, nihilist rage that seizes on the nearest available thing, no matter how flimsy, to find expression.

Now that's something to fight.

Fish on,


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Astroturfing The Fauxtrage

Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by a grassroots participant(s).

It's no secret that furious SJWs, Clintonistas and associated fellow travelers are planning to descend on Washington DC to disrupt Trump's Inauguration. But is this movement fueled by outrage or fauxtrage, is it real turf or astroturf?

If companies like Demand Protest are anything to go by, it's the latter. 

According to the Washington Times, Demand Protest has run ads in over 20 cities, offering people a $2,500 monthly "retainer" and $50/hour provided successful job applicants take part in 6 protests a year. Full time "operatives" do even better, and get health, vision and dental insurance. Nice work if you can get it. And who pays for the ads? The people who want Demand Protest's services.

Demand Protest tells prospective customers that they're "strategists mobilizing millennials across the globe with seeded audiences and desirable messages." And guess what, they specialize in "discretion" so your phony rent a mob won't get traced back to you. 

"With absolute discretion a top priority, our operatives create convincing scenes that become the building blocks of massive movements. When you need the appearance of outrage, we are able to deliver it at scale while keeping your reputation intact."

How fortunate, discrete astroturf fauxtrage that won't dent your moral standing. But who are Demand Protest's clients? 

4Chan users suggest George Soros, who has funded the Occupy and Black Lives Matter movements. Whether any money's left in the coffers of the Clinton Campaign for paying protesters remains to be seen.

In the meanwhile, watch out for fauxtrage on Inauguration Day. And if you want to get paid to attend the historic event, why not contact and collect your check.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Mark of the Beast

Who is the Beast and the False Prophet, and what does the bestial number, 666, signify? Everyone wants to know. But before we get carried away and leap to obvious conclusions, pointing our fingers at Barack, Hillary and Soros, consider St. John's numeric source, namely Solomon, who serves as a type, or forerunner, of Antichrist.

Recall Solomon's apostasy after the departure of the Queen of Sheba, in which he breaks the laws of kingship, multiplying horses, women and gold to himself contrary to Dueteronomy 17: 16-18. How much gold did the Astaroth, Moloch worshiping king amass? We're told in I Kings. 10: 14, "The weight of gold that came to King Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty six talents of gold."

There you have it, the infernal number of idolatrous abomination and a blasphemous parody of 888, which is the number of Jesus reckoned by rabbinical Gematria. But if Solomon serves as a type of Antichrist, how was that played out in St. John's time? Here's Farrer; after discussing the sixfold pattern of divine judgement in the Apocalypse, he writes:

"On the sixth day of the week, and the sixth hour, says St. John (Jn. 19: 13-22), the kingdoms of Christ and Antichrist looked one another in the face in Pilate's court, and the adherents of the False Prophet (Caiaphas) firmly wrote on their foreheads the mark of the Beast, when they said, 'We have no King but Caesar.'"

We have no King but Caesar. How does that differ, in effect, from the present spirit of the age? 

Beware the wrath to come,


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Humanity on The Edge of Suicide

Here they are, the rich stooge puppets of Godless Western secularism and the New World Order. Observe their insouciant grins and pampered luxury, as they meet to discuss new ways to take your money. Note, Vladimir Putin, who is a Christian, is not with them.


Pope Francis has declared that "humanity is on the edge of suicide" thanks to The Weather, and that's what our transi-elite are meeting in Paris to resolve. You can sense their urgency in the face of impending, annihilating catastrophe.

This is Illuminati dupe, Beyonce. She's part of the movement, too.

Rocking on in the not-so-free world.

Your Pal,


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Obama Sock Puppet, ISIS Oil

Some people compare Obama to a sock puppet, and who can blame them. But in the meanwhile, here's this, from ZeroHedge:

"We wonder how long until someone finally asks the all important question regarding the Islamic State:who is the commodity trader breaching every known law of funding terrorism when buying ISIS crude, almost certainly with the tacit approval by various 'western alliance' governments, and why is it that these governments have allowed said middleman to continue funding ISIS for as long as it has?"

Good question.

Kick out the Jams,


Monday, November 5, 2012

Jay Z and Beyonce Illuminati Shills?

Rumors are rife that fun-loving mega stars, Jay-Z and Beyonce, are  Illuminati shills for the New World Order.

They're telling us to vote for Soros backed puppet, Barak Hussein Obama. So is "The Boss", Bruce Springsteen.

So go right ahead, buy the hopium. Obey your masters and remember, you'll be richer because you'll be taxed more.

Kick out the jams.