Showing posts with label Planet of the Apes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planet of the Apes. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2016

Russians, Have You no Shame?

Does Russia have no shame? Portraying President Obama as if he were some sort of ape, or monkey? What lengths will they sink to?

Cutting boards?


Mysterious banana gags?

Shocking, isn't it. But consider this, is the current uptick in European Jihad terror an aspect of crazed Neocon power play, a cog in the wheel of bringing Euro vassal states into line against Russia? What a preposterous idea! Unlike, for example, blaming Benghazi on a video.

Consider this, too. When was the last time you saw a Western head of state making anything like a formal act of Christian worship. You haven't? Hunh. Now ask yourself what Gods these people  do worship and hint, Moloch demands infant sacrifice.

In the meanwhile, our frenemies, ISIS, laugh.



Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Foreign Policy Tuesday

Instead of insightful forpol commentary that you can read all over the internet, I'll leave you with this interesting Moscow poster.

I think it's advertising some kind of film.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Russia Mocks Obama

Well known for their lively sense of humor, Russians haven't been slow to scorn and mock President Obama, comparing him unfavorably to Vladmir Putin.

Lately, this has spread to Syria, where a popular Russian phrase, Obama is a Schmoe, appeared on the runway at Latakkia.

But that's not all. The US President has also appeared on cutting boards as part of a family of monkeys, and even featured in one town's drive for greater cleanliness, in a poster accusing Obama of being an "unwashed chimney sweep."

One Russian company even dedicated a line of ice cream to the US Commander in Chief, "Chocolate and Vanilla." With rainbows.

Is this simple racism on Russia's part? Or is there something about Barack that doesn't inspire respect.

Surely not. That would be, you know, inconceivable.



Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I had to go to a place called Plano today, for a church meeting. The meeting was good, though I had to leave early to visit a man in hospital.


Plano has been described as, "Like Planet of the Apes but without the apes."

Laughing Ape Soldiers

In Planet of the Apes, humans are enslaved by apes in a post-apocalyptic world. Somehow that seems appropriate to far North Dallas.



Saturday, February 4, 2012

Episcopal Church Genius!

A curious new ad for The Episcopal Church (TEC) has been making the rounds. It says that TEC is against "fundamentalism."

Make of this marketing genius what you will, but I'd say TEC was fundamentally wrong. So here's a picture of an ape, to put things in perspective.

God bless,