Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oklahoma. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023



What's with all the blackface going on these days? Like we're living in some kind of postwar musical? Good Lord, we've got Justine Trudeau masquerading as a Moor. Kyrie Eleison, why?

And Talcum X, great civil rights leader of our time

And Rachel Dolezal. Black as the Ace of Spades, except she isn't.

Now this. Nibiiwakamigkwe, real name Kay LeClair, has been running around presenting zhirself as an American Indian, a queer one no less. Quite the Rainbow Hiawatha, but the problem is Kay's white, she's no more "indigenous peoples" than I am.

But what am I saying. My Great Grandfather was part Cherokee, Oklahoma, and looked it too. He blamed everything on the Communists and loved Hal Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth. He was surely right on the former if wrong in the latter.

In the meanwhile we've got these mountebanks parading about pretending they're black. I'd call that racist, but perhaps you disagree with the logic of the Compound?

Your Best Pal,


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Country Life Dystopia I


This so-called "blog" is supposed to be about country life, instead of not-so-sly digs against the Axis of Gayness and its willing dupe ally, the Episcopal Church. So here's some pictures of country life, albeit when the cash runs out. See if you can guess/know where it is.

My Great Grandfather used to enjoy this resort, especially for its catfish. We owned a ranch near here; it was sold in the '70s. For Pennies in the Pound, my friends.


I remember collecting arrowheads, when I was a child. They were probably put there, to be discovered. 

For some reason the resort lost traction and shut down, my Great Granddaddy's catfish restaurant with it. But it's still there, including the pool, which looks sinister and dangerous. It probably is. My Great Grandfather looked right Cherokee (location hint); he blamed most disasters on the godless Sov-Cubans.

Moral of the story; it's all fun and games till the cash runs out. After that? Look out.

We have three confirmations tomorrow. Pleased by that.

God bless,