Showing posts with label Davos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Davos. Show all posts

Monday, January 29, 2024

Farmers Revolt


You may not have noticed that there's been a farmers' revolt in France, Germany and the Netherlands because our honest as the day's long objective media won't report it, but there has. 

Thousands of farmers in tractors have been taking to the Autobahns of Garden Europa to protest their beloved WEF, DAVOS elite rulers from driving them out of business in the name of Climate Change, snerk.

As in, "We have to close your stupid little farms down and buy them for pennies on the Reichsmark or the icecaps will melt and you'll all freeze to death in the new Ice Age and be eaten by migrating Polar Bears, because it's colder because it's hotter, thanks to you, methane spewing "farmers."

The farmers aren't too keen on this blatant land grab and accordingly blockaded all the roads leading into Paris. Quite a move. I read somewhere that the blockade will be for five days, maybe make that thirty? Just a thought.

And behold the sheer genius of our agitprop. We, the ultra rich, want control over everything so that we can rent it out to you, if you're lucky, and get even moar richer. But how? Tell your rainbow worshiping people that it's "green" and watch them bay for more, even as they shout for war.

Good luck, farmers, starve 'em out,


Friday, January 21, 2022

A Bit of This And a Bit of That


Sometimes pictures speak louder than words

And sometimes they go together.

But look at this! Impossible? Hardly, here it is today at a Walmart in Texas.

So daring!

Yes indeed, in the New World Order you will not eat meat because you won't be able to afford it, serfs. You will eat plant based products and, owning nothing, you will be happy. Davos and the WEF demand nothing less, in the name of health, the environment and justice.

You'll note that in this equation all animals are equal but some far more so than others. Don't say private jet and mansion in the Vineyard or Soylent Green. Instead...

Obey Your Rulers, 


Friday, December 7, 2018

Remember Pearl Harbor

Remember Pearl Harbor and remember too, that like Hitler, the Japanese didn't think Americans had the stomach for a fight. They were wrong.

The Chinese might think the same today as they expand into the Pacific; one part of a broader attempt to achieve imperial status, and you can't blame them. 

Past US administrations were in the habit of bowing to the Chicom mandarins, whether literally or otherwise. Which brings us to the elite globalists in charge of Europe.

They figured they had the indigenous populace down, that the people were tame to being transformed into a third world workforce. And, like the Japanese vision of America on December 7 1941, were too degenerate and ignorant to fight back.

You can see why this crew of malfeasants thought like this, all the evidence pointed that way. Until it didn't. The Rising Sun didn't look so bright on VJ Day, 2 September 1945, Trump doesn't bow to China and the French are rising up against their elitist, NWO rulers.

Who'd have thought it. America was safely in the Illuminati Sac Magique, Hillary was going to win and France, right in the heartland of the neo-lib project was safely in the rainbow wheelie. But no. 

Pay-to-Play Hillary didn't get elected and the French are busy firebombing tax collection offices while Macron's deploying armored vehicles in Paris. But here's a question. 

What side of the equation do the people who enforce the government's dictates side with, where do they come from; the people who go to cocktail parties at G-20, Davos and Georgetown or somewhere else?

If I was Macron or May I'd be scared, right about now. Stay tuned for peasants' revolts in the UK and everywhere else.

Peace and Love,


Friday, September 9, 2016

Debt Star

Something cheerful, via ZeroHedge:

Mounting debt generates its own limit: insolvency. Demographics shaped by the transfer state compound the problem. Stealing the fruits of labor penalizes honest productivity and constricts opportunity. Faced with bleak prospects, many of the young opt out of the financial obligations of starting families, rearing children, or even supporting themselves. Birthrates have dropped far below replacement in most developed countries: fewer people to fund taxes and debt just as the number of putative beneficiaries skyrocket. Pension shortfalls around the world are the canary in this coal mine. The mathematics are inescapable. Present arrangements are unsustainable, but will continue until debt markets and taxpayers rebel.
They will face a counter-rebellion by dependency-warped recipients deprived of that which was never really theirs. Those who can but don’t honestly produce are both dishonest and unproductive. Faced with a cut-off, expect chaos and violence.

You have been warned.


Cooking With LSP, Friday Fish Fry

Just because you've cleverly caught some fish and filleted them doesn't give you license to stare at the things in slack-jawed, alt right consternation, like someone who's observing the Church of England's General Synod, or Hillary Clinton's truth disorder. No, you've got to eat them, and Friday's a good time to do it.

Watch The Temp Rise

That's because you're not supposed to eat meat on Fridays, as a small token of abstinence in commemoration of the Crucifixion. That said, the ten golden, crispy Bluegill nuggets didn't seem that abstemious, but hey, they weren't steaks. 

Don't Get The Plastic Bowl Hot. It'll Melt

I used the old beer batter method and invested in a candy thermometer to gauge the temperature of the oil in the cast iron pot. Keep it at 185* and get that fish moving! First, dredge the fillets in flour. I used a blue plastic bowl from Walmart which cost $1.00, but you might go for something more fancy and 1%. 

Blue Davos

Maybe a silver bowl or a handy bit of Waterford crystal that's knocking around; whatever, that's up to you, your call. Next, immerse the fish in batter (1 cup flour, 1 egg, salt, 1 bottle light beer) and put it in the pot. Watch the fillet boil and pop in the hot oil, then remove after a few minutes, put aside to drain, and repeat.

Ah Hah!

You can serve the fish with some kind of "side," like a deep fried Mars bar or a fried cherry pie. I chose onion rings, like a member of the ruling globalist elite, and didn't regret the choice.

After admiring your fry up, serve it with some lemon, or whatever else you like, and eat your scoff like a warrior. And I tell you this, it tastes better when you've caught it yourself.

And that's cooking, with...


Friday, January 22, 2016

And Here's Pat!

Via ZeroHedge:

Can that crowd at Davos not understand that it is despised because it is seen as having subordinated the interests of the nations and people in whose name it presumes to speak, to advance an agenda that serves, first and foremost, its own naked self-interest?
The political and economic elites of Davos have grown rich, fat and powerful by setting aside patriotism and sacrificing their countries on the altars of globalization and a New World Order.

Pat riffs on Dougherty, rips on the transnational Davos elite and slams the attempted suicide of the West. If you think that's not planned, remember, it's all conspiracy theory until it's conspiracy fact.