Showing posts with label Cecile Richards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cecile Richards. Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Are They Possessed? By Satan?

One of the tenets of this influential mind blog is that extraterrestrials, yes, space aliens, are alive and well and living among us. Hidden, if you like, in plain sight, often at the very top of Church and State. But tonight I'm inviting you to consider another possibility. Namely this.

Look at the above infographic featuring three important health experts, people in charge of the well-being of millions of US citizens, and ask yourself, are they possessed by Satan?

One's a transsexual, Pennsylvania's Health Minister, another, the Mayor of Chicago, is a lesbian, so they're obviously in good mental health, the third, from LA County, is a social worker. Now look closely at their faces, into their eyes, the very window of the soul, and ask if they're run, operated by the Enemy. Go ahead, you decide.

Then there's Carol Baker, CDC Chair of the Advisory Committee on Immunizations. She's on record as saying "we'll just get rid of all whites in the United States." A Satanist? Sounds that way, why would you say such a thing unless possessed by the Murderer.

Here's another one, Cecile Richards. She used to run Planned Parenthood, the giant, baby parts selling, abortion mill and was touted by something called Net-A-Porter as "woman of the week." Still, she's only worth a paltry $5 million, not much for the weight of all those murdered babies on your mind.

But maybe her mind isn't really hers, maybe it belongs to something else, like Moloch. Again, look into her eyes and face and ask yourself if she radiates love, mercy, compassion and peace. Or something else, something hard and demonic, the defiance, ambition, insanity and grisly, desperate pride of the Pit.

Then there's these goons. They say, see CS Lewis' Great Divorce, that the damned can't stand one another and so they "socially distance," each inside their own circle of judgement. Such is the logic of Hell.


Friday, December 8, 2017

Planned Parenthood's Circle Of Hell

Do you remember Planned Parenthood, America's wealthier-than-the-Rolling-Stones abortion mill, with a revenue of $1.3 billion? You know, the same non-profit that's subsidized some $500 million a year by the taxpayer. 

Sure you do, but perhaps you've forgotten millionaire socialist Cecile Richards, net worth $4 million, who runs Planned Parenthood. She earns $520,000 because she's in charge of a women's health charity. Nice money if you can make it. 

How much of this money comes from the sale of baby parts? Don't act all shocked, everyone knows that Cecile's operation adds to the charitable bottom line by selling bits of babies to the highest bidder. After all, charity doesn't come cheap.

But at what price? Maybe the DOJ will discover the temporal value of Cecile's infant body parts vending. Good luck, and what about the eternal value? About the eternal quality of a soul that says killing babies and selling them equates to health.

I'll hazard the circle of that particular Hell is very deep and cold indeed. Good luck, MillSoc Cecile.

Out Demons Out,


Friday, January 27, 2017

March For Life

Hundreds of thousands of people marched through Washington DC today to protest the rights of the unborn child. This is an old march and well attended, some 650,000 were present in 2013 and today's event was in the ballpark. 

However, the smug, corrupt, elite leftist media has mostly ignored it. They always do, they're anti-life. This is an article of faith for them, like the Creed for orthodox Christians.

They would far rather report on Madonna, Ashley Judd and a Sharia Muslim march whose protesters wear hats representing a special part of the female anatomy, which I can't name because this is a family blog. 

Mike Spence VP

However, the March For Life drew unqualified, unprecedented, historic support from our new Administration. Trump's VP, Mike Spence, addressed the march as did Trump's PR strategist, Kellyanne Conway. The President himself told the marchers that they had his "full support."

This has never happened before. The last administration was vehemently in favor of abortion to the extent of campaigning on the platform, and Bush/Reagan went so far as to offer messages of encouragement, but no active presence.

March For Life

That changed today with top level members of the new government addressing the hundreds of thousands strong march.

Here's a thought. Planned Parenthood, the abortion mill, is given over $1 million dollars a day in taxpayer money. Their budget is in the region of a $1 billion and their leader, Cecile Richards, gets a pleasant $500k. Nice socialist money if you can make it. But why should any of us pay for another person's abortion? 

Bad Actors

Leaving aside the ethics of the act itself, why should US taxpayers fund Cecile Richards' operation? Abortion may be right, I think it isn't, or it may be wrong, I think it is. But does it count as some kind of universally self-evident common good that we should all contribute to? I don't think so.

My teeth, on the other hand, are a different matter. All contributions gratefully received.

Defund Planned Parenthood. Take away their Lamborghinis.



Friday, June 17, 2016

Satanists Team Up With Abortion Giant

In a shocking move that surprised no one, the Satanic Temple is putting its infernal might behind baby parts seller and abortion industry giant, Planned Parenthood. 

You can read all about it here and if you do, note how certain members of the legal profession were batting for the worshipers of the Horned God.

Hillary Clinton is an avid fan of Planned Parenthood. There is no direct evidence linking her to the Satanic Temple, yet.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day, London Goes Baal

It's earth day today, and what better way to celebrate that than by setting up a life size replica of an arch, from the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, in Trafalgar Square.

Baal, meaning "Lord", was the fertility deity of the Canaanites and ranks first in the Goetic 72 spirits, or demons, of Solomon; he's said to satisfy sensual craving, confer knowledge and, curiously, impart invisibility. According to the Zohar, Baal is the demonic equal of Raphael in rank.

Baal's wife is the demon Astoreth, the infernal anti-type of the Virgin Mary. And before you breathe a collective sigh of so what, consider this. Baal was worshiped by sacrificing infants, with fire.

Odd, isn't it, how earth worship or our presently non-cultic modern equivalent, materialism, seems to demand that.

Will the arch in Trafalgar Square open up a portal to hell? Some argue that it's already there.

Mind how you go,


Sunday, February 1, 2015


Everyone's watching the Superbowl, but I find myself thinking about demons. Some people think that they don't exist, others think they're hiding in plain sight.

Perhaps it's worth considering what a society that was influenced by the Devil and his apostate angels would look like. I'd say that one of its hallmarks would be infant sacrifice. Read the literature and correct me, but it does seem to be a constant.

With that in mind, consider the 1 million plus that's given in the US to Planned Parenthood by the government, per day. If that's not satanic, what is.

Enjoy the game,