Sunday, February 24, 2019

Love Your Enemies Sunday Sermon

Christ tells us to love our enemies instead of harboring murderous, malevolent, hate-filled rage against them.

After all, hatred, deceit, malice, wrath and all-consuming pride are hallmarks of Satan. So don't be like that, it's bad. Like spirit cooking, for example.

I know following the counsels of perfection can be hard but whoever said it'd be easy? So take heart and persevere, good wins.

Sermon over.

Light v. Dark,



LL said...

The powers of light always prevail in the end. The deck is stacked against Satan. But it doesn't necessarily square us. We have to be vigilant for ourselves and for those around us. It's very easy to do the wrong thing: Narrow is the gate and few there be that find it.

LindaG said...

Very true. The pitfalls are many.
Thank you, Parson.

drjim said...

Sometimes I catch myself wishing all these "people" and their minions were dead. But then I realize it's not for me to judge them.

Sure is hard, though.....

RHT447 said...

I don't hate them. They fill me with revulsion and disgust. I don't hate a rabid dog either, but if either comes to do harm to me and mine, my solution is the same. I do feel pity for the dog as it did not make that choice. I will confess and beg forgiveness, but expect no apology.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Fine line between protecting you and yours from evil without feeling those emotions.

Jim said...

I try not to hate them, but it can be difficult.

LSP said...

We certainly fight against principalities and powers, LL. And broad is the way that leads to perdition.

LSP said...

We must beware, Linda. God bless.

LSP said...

I 2nd that, drjim.

LSP said...

Do you remember spirit cooking, RHT? They're hardly bothering to even hide.

LSP said...

And we certainly have to protect, WSF, no doubt about it. To say nothing of taking the war to the enemy.

LSP said...

Jim, when you hear Hillary's voice it gets... tricky.

RHT447 said...

"Do you remember spirit cooking, RHT? They're hardly bothering to even hide."

Yes, I do remember. Am reminded of yet another movie--"Something Wicked This Way Comes". Same solution. I submit that these are not our enemies. They are far beyond that, truly and willfully lost.

Enemies can be reasoned with, eventually.

LSP said...

RHT, we're dealing with brazen, unalloyed, satanic evil. I don't say that lightly.